About Us
Who We Are
• Impala Energy Holdings (Impala) is owned by A.P. Moller Capital (APMC), an African infrastructure investor founded by the A.P. Moller Maersk Family Foundation, and Pegasus Capital.
• We provide cost-effective solutions for our Commercial and Industrial Customers, including:
• Small-scale off-grid and captive power solutions, and
• Direct gas supply deliveries for power and thermal energy use.
• We are not tied to any equipment manufacturers, enabling us to provide the best energy solution for our Customers.
• We complement our expertise with world-renowned third-party OEMs and technical partners.
• Collectively with our shareholders, we have over 200 years of combined experience successfully delivering solutions in Africa.
What We Do
• We invest in and develop small-to-medium scale power and energy solutions to deliver clean, reliable and cost-effective power and thermal energy to the commercial and industrial market in Sub-Saharan Africa.
• We primarily focus on gas-fired and gas-renewable hybrid power and thermal energy generation, driven by the cost savings and environmental benefits of natural gas.
• We deliver gas by truck, barge or ship, creating a virtual pipeline solution.
• We deliver standalone, integrated power and gas solutions.
Our Approach Our Approach
All Impala investments are on balance sheet, resulting in quick implementation.
Focused on delivering power and gas solutions for our Customers, not selling a product.
Energy solutions include heating, steam or cooling solutions including combined heat and power.
No upfront capital costs for our Customers – our solutions convert capex to opex.
Up to 30% cost savings on power / fuel bill converting from diesel to gas (and more with solar-gas hybrids).
Replaces Customer operations and maintenance overhead.
Frees up Customer working capital (funding inventory, spare parts and financial provisions for equipment overhauls).
We manage fuel supply procurement and operate/maintain any existing (back up) diesel engines.
No risk of theft or dilution of natural gas (common during delivery of other liquid fuels).
Contributes to decarbonization efforts and a cleaner, better environment.
Our History
• 2015 – Impala Energy Founded by EL Rothschild, Pegasus Capital LLC (a private company owned by Craig Cogut and his affitiates), Tim Corfield and Ronen Gani
• 2015 – Impala invests in development of Koper Solar Park, Nandi County, Kenya with Martifer and Subuiga International
• 2016 – Pegasus buys E.L. Rothschild’s shares in Impala
• 2018 – Impala invests in the development of Ebedei CNG Plant, Delta State, Nigeria
• 2019 – Impala sells interest in Kopere Solar Park to Voltalia.
• April 2019 – Impala undergoes a Change of Control, with a new majority shareholder being the Africa Infrastructure Fund I K/S (DK) a fund managed by AP Moller Capital (“APMC”).
• April 2019 – Impala invests in Ebedei, CNG plant with JV Partner Clean Energy
• July 2020 – Ebedei CNG plant reaches commercial operations.
Our Mission, Vision & Values
Our vision is to be the most reliable clean energy solutions company in Sub-Saharan Africa
We operate with integrity
We honor our commitments
We consider all stakeholders in our decision making
We develop and operate in a safe and sustainable manner
Our mission is to provide a supirior service delivering our customers’ energy requirements, so they can focus on their core business.
Our Board
Our Board is comprised of the following industry professionals:


